

October 13, 2021

An Afternoon Storm and Mount Evans

July 27th, of 2011, provided yet another spectacular afternoon of stormy weather. Mount Evans, Green Mountain, and Mount Morrison disappeared and reappeared throughout the storm. As the storm seemed to be passing, I captured Mount Evans as the rain passed over Golden, Lakewood, and Denver. Finally, at sunset the clouds and sunlight combined to obscure most of the mountain in a fiery glow.

June 11, 2021

Mount Evans and lightning

As mentioned before, storms make for great landscape images, in my opinion. Lightning adds one more element to the photo. I like lightning in general, and really love to capture it in an image. Capturing Mount Evans (often obscured) with lightning was always a bonus.

May 24, 2021

Mount Evans at Night

Mount Evans can be difficult to photograph at night, as it often fades right into the background. Occasionally, the lighting works out, as in this instance. Right around sunset, Mount Evans was almost obscured by clouds, and it looked like it wasn’t going to get any better. Just half an hour later, the dark clouds lifted high enough above the mountain to allow the bright sky, still lit from the afterglow, to shine through, separating the mountain from the clouds.

May 21, 2021

Mount Evans Stormy Afternoon

Here is a series of photos showing Mount Evans, or sometimes where Mount Evans would be, throughout an afternoon of interesting weather. The first photo was around 6:20pm, and the last photo, around 9pm.

May 10, 2021

Mount Evans Stormy Sunset

I love a stormy evening with a scene like Mount Evans and the Front Range. Watching the storms move through, and the changing light, never got old. Here is a sequence from June 19, 2011.

May 6, 2021

Wildfire Smoke

Wildfires and the resulting smoke, is a reality of the Western U.S. It’s only becoming more common, and we had several summers with bad smoke and air quality. While bad air quality is, well, bad, it can make for some interesting photography. The sky is usually hazy, but sometimes you end up with some interesting colors, and atmospheric conditions.

Here are a few images from some smoky days.

April 19, 2021

Mount Evans Photos on Instagram

Mount Evans photos is now on Instagram at @mount_evans_photos. Eventually the whole series will be posted there, as well as here. I’m trying to add a few per day. I am adding them in chronological order, from oldest to newest. I also group them by day, so the number of posts will be much less than the 600+ images I have in the collection.

April 12, 2021

More Storms

I love storms. I imagine most photographers do too. Stormy weather can definitely make a boring image more interesting. Storms were almost guaranteed to make our view of Mount Evans more interesting, and I did my best to capture as many storm images as possible.